Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010

Last night a friend of ours told my husband that he had been reading my blog.   And during this reading, he found me to be lacking in tolerance.   Well, he might be right.  I am intolerant - of those who do not exercise tolerance themselves.   
I will always stand by the right of a person to hold an opinion - however horrible that opinion might be.   Just don't force that opinion upon me.   If we have mutual respect and agree that thinking people may differ, that's tolerance.  And that's all I ask of myself and all I ask of others.   (To be perfectly honest, I may not always respect the other person but will still stand for their right to be wrong.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23, 2010

What is it about bullies and why do they win, at least temporarily?  They exist in all areas of life: personal, school, work, politics, religion.   What makes the rest of us so easily give in?
My theory is that bullies win because of the silence of others.   Most individuals are nice at heart- polite, not wanting to offend others around them.   Bullies burst on the scene and most individuals are so taken aback by unacceptable behavior, behavior that they themselves would never display, that they watch in silence.  The moment to confront the bully, to let the bully know that their behavior is unacceptable, passes.  And therefore, the bully wins.  
So what to do?  Speak up.  Bullies win because the rest of us are too nice; because we let them win.  We must take back the world from bullies and let them know simply because they are loud does not assure them of a win.   If we simply speak up, simply question things, we can start to turn things around.

Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20, 2010

Well, I did it.  I changed my party registration today - left the Republican party and became "non-partisan", the term used here in Nebraska.  I am mixed about that title: it is correct but not the most flattering - it seems wishy-washy.  I would prefer educated independent thinker - probably too long for most forms.

With regard to Governor Heineman's expressed outrage at the federal government's new unfunded mandate in the form of Medicaid, I would perhaps be more sympathetic and he would be perhaps more credible if he had not already demonstrated that it's not all about the money.  It's about what he feels is the best position to take to satisfy this followers on the rabid right.

When the federal government alerted the State of Nebraska that we were wrongly covering many women and babies under the particular Medicaid program we were using, he leapt on that issue to address it as an immigration issue.  It was a financial issue but that wasn't as sexy and didn't feed the masses crying for their bigoted appetites to be satisfied.  Had all the women been moved to the SCHIPS program, it would have saved the State of Nebraska millions of dollars in Medicaid expenses.  Instead we simply eliminated the coverage altogether, therefore resulting in many more millions of dollars that will be spent taking care of the babies born prematurely, with disabilities, and requiring medical care and other special services for many years.  Come on, Governor - don't cry about spending more dollars under Medicaid when you already showed that you are willing to spend more simply to satisfy a political agenda. 

Thanks to the brave woman who filed suit today - you have many, many supporters who wish good health to you and your baby.  


Thursday, August 19, 2010

August 19, 2010

Professor Ernie Goss from Creighton released his monthly update today.   The update states that the chance for a double dip recession is now between 50 and 75%.  That's comforting.
At the same time, news was released today that Roger Clemens has been indicted by the feds for perjury involving his 2008 testimony in front of Congress as to whether or not he used performance enhancing steroids.   Does anyone else see the link here?
Perhaps if Congress paid attention to the real business of the people and their job descriptions, we might not be in such a big mess today.  Does anyone really care if athletes use performance enhancing steroids?  I know I don't.   It's stupid, it takes away their credibility, and makes them poor role models for our children.  But I have never looked to the world of athletes for role models.   That Congress wasted all the time, money and resources on such a ridiculous topic is abhorrent.  Our Congressional members need to pay attention to the crises we have in front of us - and not, in my humble opinion, on such subjects as "White Nose Syndrome - What's Killing Bats in the Northeast?" or "Investigating the Nature of Matter, Energy, Space and Time".   (These are the real topics of Congressional hearings.)   These types of topics are better addressed by government agencies and private organizations.
How do these ridiculous issues rise to the level of requiring a Congressional hearing?  Next thing you know, Congress will want to hear from all the self-admitted mistresses of Tiger.   That should be worthwhile. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17, 2010

I need to remember to switch party affiliation - and by the way, I will not become a Democrat.  I will be an Independent - which means I can't vote in primaries in the State of Nebraska.  How ridiculous is that?  I am having a tough time leaving the Republican party because I am still naive enough to believe that it can go back to its traditional roots.   The reason I consciously chose to register as a Republican all those years ago was because I thought the party reflected my personal views: respect individual and personal rights, with government keeping their noses out of the bedroom, and small government resulting in lower taxes.   The party has now been hijacked and those hijackers somehow feel it is necessary to dictate their own ideas of appropriate behavior.  That's unacceptable and so sad that the Republican party let this happen. 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

August 15, 2010

It really is time for everyone to sit down and start sharing ideas with a new civility.  No actually, it's the old civility that has disappeared.   For some reason, it has become okay to label others because of their ideas and then refuse to talk with them simply because of the label.  Discussion usually occurs among adults - it is only by a rational, unemotional sharing of ideas that we can grow and become better. 
I guess I would compare the American political process at this time to a marriage that has gone bad.  I just read recently that the major cause of divorce is not conflict but the refusal to address conflict.  I think that applies to the political rhetoric being thrown around by so many very loud voices in America today.  Just as in a marriage, if the parties can confront their differences, they can usually reach a point of consensus.  However, if one party lobs in a bomb and then runs away before the conflict can be addressed, the relationship usually explodes, with little hope of repair.   Let's hope that we can all get to the point where we can have reasonable, respectful discussions again. 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14, 2010 - the Omaha budget debacle

Dear Mayor Suttle,
I don't understand our city government in the least.   From what I have heard, you have a budget up for approval that includes an 11% increase in general spending.   And that budget includes over $1 million for Building Bright Futures, an organization funded by some of the wealthiest individuals in Omaha (and the world).   Do you really think we're all that stupid?   It is offensive to be told we just have to suck it up because you inherited the situation.   Give me a break - how long were you a City Council member?  Were you asleep during all those meetings?   If we the public saw that you were trying to rein in spending, we might give you some leeway but that's not going to happen now.

Moderate Omaha Mama

Friday, August 13, 2010

August 13, 2010

I love nothing more than to sit with my 13 year old chatting about his soccer team, and the strengths and weaknesses of both the offense and the defense of the team.  Now keep in mind, I have extremely limited knowledge of the game, so my comments consist mainly of "yes, I think you're right".   But it is a treasure for us to have time together.
Today on was a great blog:   Well worth reading.   And when did it become acceptable that only about half of all individuals actually pay federal income tax?   I think that's what angers me most - if everyone was paying something than maybe those of us who pay now would be more accepting.   I do look at the Tea Party crowds with suspicion - I always wonder how many of them are getting off scot free.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 11, 2010

Now let's get this straight - the party that wants to keep activist judges from getting appointed now wants to change the Constitution of the United States of America - to prevent babies born in this country from becoming citizens if their mothers are here illegally.   This is absolutely crossing any lines of decency, morality and Christian belief.  Get it straight - people come here for jobs.  If they cannot be employed, they do not come across the border.  Go after employers - not babies!  I cannot stay a Republican.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010

See    Great article!  It is simply amazing how prejudices stick no matter what the facts.   As the author states, the capacity of people to step back and ask if something makes sense is almost gone.  What has happened to us???!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday, August 8

I have only one question today:  Why do those with the most hate-filled positions almost always claim that God belongs only to them? 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Beginning

This is my first blog.  I am a frustrated political commentator who can no longer stand to sit by quietly while abhorrent political actions take place in my back yard.
The first topic I want to address is illegal immigration.   I don't get it - some members of the general populace either don't remember their civics/history classes or they lack common decency.   (Maybe both!)  Anyway, now we have outcries all over the country, and especially loudly in Fremont, NE, that applaud racial profiling.  I have never been happier to look Irish - my family won't have to worry about being asked to produce an identity card.    Why do so many want to move our country to the days of Nazi Germany?   And if you don't think that's what is happening, study the history of the actions taken against Jews and others and the gradual escalation of those actions during Nazi occupations. 
We all need to take a step back and address, in a legal and civilized manner, those who employ undocumented workers.   People don't swarm across our borders to be worse off - they come here because there are jobs available to them.   Let's take care of that problem and probably a good 90% of the issue will evaporate. 
By the way, I am a Nebraskan and currently a registered Republican.  I will be changing my party affiliation to independent as a result of the boorish actions taken during our state Republican convention.